Our Objective is an Accident-free, Healthy Work Environment
The management of Carlton Electric believes that the safety and health of its employees and contractors, the prevention of environmental loss, the providing of a secured workplace, and the compliance with governmental legislation are fundamental responsibilities, and that the successful future of our operations depends upon the protection of our resources; both personnel and material.
Therefore, safety and loss control must be integrated in all company activities. Carlton Electric employees and contracted personnel must be willing to accept individual as well as collective safety and loss control responsibilities to achieve our objective of an accident-free, healthy work environment.
Management Will...
- Promote safety and loss control, both on and off the job.
- Implement accident and environmental loss prevention programs, systems and techniques.
- Implement safety and environmental training programs.
- Provide a work environment in which occupational hazards are controlled when elimination is not feasible.
- Require safety and loss control meetings.
- Periodically conduct safety and environmental audits of facilities and sites.
All Employees Will...
- Be expected to perform their jobs in the safest manner possible and in accordance with Carlton Electric’s safety rules, policies and procedures.
- Be expected to conduct themselves in a way that enhances their personal safety and that of their fellow workers.
- Be required to report workplace hazards and make suggestions for their control.
- Be expected to cooperate and contribute to the overall success of Carlton Electric’s safety and loss control programs.
- Report accidents and incidents to the Safety Committee and job site Foreman immediately.
- Attend all safety meetings.
Our Commitment and Complete Support
The success of the company depends on the safety and well being of its employees and contractors. Therefore, it is imperative that the workplace hazards and near-misses be identified, appropriately evaluated and effectively controlled in order to prevent accidents and their consequences. This objective can only be achieved with the commitment and complete support of both management and employees.
Carlton recently completed two large projects on our campus. They always put the safety and operational needs of our school community as their top priority and delivered both of our projects on schedule and within budget.